Easy Weekday Breakfast Smoothie

Banana Spinach Smoothie

Banana Spinach Smoothie

Banana Spinach Smoothie

Banana Spinach Smoothie

Banana Spinach Smoothie

In my younger years of middle school, high school, and even college, I found myself skipping breakfast constantly, and if I did “indulge” in a little breakfast, it would be something like a piece of toast with a pat lot of butter. Luckily, I’m mostly behind those days (and hopefully you are too), but I still often find it a struggle to make the time for breakfast during the work week. Of course, if asked, most of us say that we consider breakfast an important component of a healthy day and lifestyle, yet we run out the door and grab our cup of coffee (if we’re lucky).

Because I know that sooooo many women (and men – this post is for you too) have such a difficult time making breakfast a priority, my easy morning breakfast routine is something that I knew I wanted to share with you guys!

Basically, it all comes down to the preparation the night before, which then in turn, makes your morning easier. The night before, I load all of the ingredients into my blender and put the cap on, but the trick is that you don’t blend till the morning so that it tastes fresh. No more worries about rushing around the next morning or waiting for things to toast in the toaster oven. I have this blender which is super affordable and makes cleaning a breeze. I think I actually won this blender in a Yankee Swap (LOL) but it has proven to be one of my favorite gadgets in my kitchen. There’s nothing I hate more than cleaning a huge, heavy blender, and this makes cleaning up and making smoothies the night before an absolute breeze. Continue reading below for the recipe!

Banana Almond Milk Smoothie:
1 banana (frozen or fresh, I usually use fresh)
Handful of baby spinach (about a 1/2 cup)
1 Tablespoon of almond butter (or peanut butter, but I prefer almond butter for a better consistency)
1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk (more if you like it runnier, less if you like it thicker).
A few shakes of cinnamon (about a 1/2 teaspoon)
Add a few ice cubes when ready to blend!
Optional: 1/4 of an avocado (makes it very creamy, and you can’t even taste it!)
Optional: Add unsweetened cocoa powder to cure your chocolate/sweets cravings!
Optional: If you don’t like peanut butter or almond butter, add coconut oil for healthy fats

Directions: Put all ingredients in blender. The next morning (or when you will be enjoying the smoothie), add ice and blend. Enjoy 🙂

I hope you guys try this and that it makes your mornings a bit easier! Of course you can add other fruits you love as well. Berries are great in smoothies because they have a lower amount of sugar (while banana, mango, and pineapple have some of the most grams of sugar per serving). I only use banana in this smoothie (as opposed to adding more fruit) to avoid overdoing it with the sugar intake so early in the morning. If you’re feeling a little iffy about adding the greens to your smoothie, just trust me!! I used to be the pickiest eater in the entire world, but just trust me that you can’t taste it. Definitely use fresh baby spinach rather than frozen. I find that fresh blends so much better and creates a better texture. Below I’ve linked some other options for easy-cleanup blenders! Also, I’m always up for learning great combinations of ingredients for smoothies. Write me a comment and tell me your favorite! 🙂




Hi there! My name is Mackenzie. I live in Portland, Maine with my husband and was born and raised in Maine. After spending 7 years in Boston, MA to build my career and venture outside of my home state, I realized that it felt time to move back home, and here I am! I enjoy romanticizing where I'm from and teaching others to do the same. For sponsorship opportunities, please email Mackenzienoelmurphy@gmail.com

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  1. 6.30.16
    Stephanie said:

    This smoothie looks amazing! yummy!

    xO – Steph


  2. 7.1.16
    Annie said:

    This looks like such a yummy breakfast smoothie! Love that it’s vegan!

  3. 7.1.16
    Cassandra said:

    This looks so good! I adore smoothies in the morning and adding almond butter always helps me feel fuller for longer.

  4. 7.1.16
    Jessica said:

    So this smoothie looks amazing! I love green smoothies! So healthy and delicious!
    xo Jessica

  5. 7.1.16
    sarah said:

    That smoothie looks amazing! I will have to try one morning 🙂

  6. 7.1.16
    Taylor Mobley said:

    Looks easy and delicious! Can’t wait to try it out!!!

  7. 7.1.16
    Rebekah said:

    That sounds so good! I’ve never added avocado to a smoothie, something about it just weirds me out, but I love creamier smoothies so I might have to get over the mental roadblock and try it!

  8. 7.1.16
    Jessica said:

    YUMMM. Def going to try this!

  9. 7.1.16
    Jaime said:

    That smoothie looks SO good!!! I used to drink a smoothie almost every morning and for some odd reason stopped. You just inspired me to try this one today!!

  10. 7.1.16

    Yummy! I’ve been looking for a yummy green smoothie recipe. I’ve also been looking for one that uses an avocado! I’m trying to up my smoothie skills haha. Normally I use berries but I am going to try this one for sure!

  11. 7.1.16
    Alanna @ Alanna & Company said:

    I have the nutribullet too! I neer thought to add cinnamon.

  12. 7.1.16
    Lauren said:

    This sounds really good! I am definitely a breakfast person and make it every morning. I love this idea-I haven’t gotten into green smoothies yet but this sounds like one I could get on board with. Love that you prep it the night before and then just blend in the morning!


  13. 7.1.16

    This looks delicious!! I just may have to make this for breakfast this morning–it’d be the perfect start to a long weekend! 🙂


  14. 7.1.16

    Duh why don’t I assemble everything in my blender the night before?! That would make life so much easier! Thanks for the tip and the awesome green smoothie recipe!!!

  15. 7.1.16

    This looks so yummy! I ended up getting braces (because why not) but everything still hurts to chew so smoothies are my thing now and I’m definitely making this!

  16. 7.1.16
    Laura Yanke said:

    This is right up my alley!! I am going to have to try this!

  17. 7.1.16
    Heather said:

    I love using my nutribullet to make a morning smoothie and this one looks amazing! Love that you add a bit of cinnamon. I’ll have to try that! Thanks for sharing this fabulous recipe!

  18. 7.1.16
    Lauren said:

    I am a HUGE fan of green smoothies. This sounds delicious! You mentioned adding avocado. I have found that if you mix avocado with a little lemon juice and then freeze it in an ice tray, it works well with smoothies and you don’t have to worry about it going bad!

  19. 7.1.16
    Stephani said:

    Looks and sounds delish!! Need to try this!

  20. 7.1.16
    Krista said:

    I love the idea to not blend until morning but put them all together! So genius!

    The almond butter for me, is SO KEY!

    Makes all the difference.

    Great share love!

  21. 7.1.16
    Allie said:

    I’ve unfortunately been having some allergies to bananas lately, so annoying but this sounds so good! I’m not a morning person so breakfast is tricky for me. Maybe I’ll try this with strawberries instead!

  22. 7.1.16
    carolina said:

    i’m not a big smoothie person but this sounds great !


  23. 7.1.16
    adriana said:

    This looks SO good! I’m not a huge breakfast person, but I do love smoothies! I’ve been trying all different kinds lately and this one looks amazing!

  24. 7.2.16
    Emma said:

    I love the idea of putting everything in the blender the night before! I’ve been obsessed with overnight oats recently because it’s an easy grab and go. I’ll have to take your advice and mix things up with a smoothie. This recipe looks delish!

  25. 7.2.16

    I make a similar breakfast- but I am a PB girl over almond butter. Your pics are so gorgeous, girl! Makes breakfast look even more yummy!
    xoxo, Jenna
    Boston Chic Party

  26. 7.2.16
    Cindy said:

    I love love smoothies!!! I have been curious about the nutribullet but we have a ninja that works great! I mainly do fruits and occasionally with spinach. I will try out a spinach banana combo!


  27. 7.3.16
    Kristie said:

    This looks so amazing! I love finding new smoothie recipes. Happy Fourth! xo

  28. 7.5.16
    Ruthie said:

    What a perfect smoothie! Love the ingredients and great tips!!! xo